Unlike Gomer and Goober, the lying liars from Georgia, the creature in my freezer is the real deal. Young Noah coaxed the beast out of the freezer by tempting it with Tootsie Roll miniatures; regular-sized bars had no effect. They have become fast friends, although the thing continues growl and snap at me. At least now we can get ice cubes.
We had it DNA tested and the creature appears to be a cotton/polyester hybrid of some type. Possibly from another planet, as well.
Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky
why why why does a 5+year old have a sippie cup????? He has you all WHipped, let him grow up and be a kid!
I had a sippy cup until I was twenty-three. My therapists said it was perfectly normal. I still use my sippy cup in times of stress or when I just feel like sipping.
I used to have a sea green one exactly like that.
Dennis still uses a sippy cup when he gets coffee then walks around town. sippy cups don't slosh hot coffee on you, No lawsuits! HOORAY FOR SIPPY CUPS!
Dennis says yeah, the Alien is from another planet alright--The planet China.
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