Daughter Sneed was born at 5:22 pm on July 28, 1970. I very nearly missed the entire affair because I was working and my boss didn't want to bother me with the news that the lovely Mrs. Sneed had called the office looking for me because she needed to go to the hospital. Rather than bothering me and taking me away from my important work, my boss dropped her at the hospital. When I say dropped her off, I mean he literally dropped her off.
When I couldn't reach her by phone in the afternoon, I drove home to discover that she was gone and the dog was in the house, a bad sign. I called my dispatcher and he told me what was up. I made it to the hospital with 20 minutes to spare.
We are having another torrential downpour this today. On the way home a minute ago, I passed an intersection that the fire department had blocked off because of high water. There was a Mercedes in the middle of the flood, with water at window level. Evidently, someone was stuck inside.

According to my makeshift rain gauge, we have had two and a half inches of rain today. This saucer was emptied at five last evening.
There was a horrific helicopter crash yesterday in Phoenix. Perhaps you saw it on the news. About five news helicopters were covering a police chase and two of them collided. Four news employees were killed. What the heck is so important about the police chasing a guy, that warrants five helicopters following it? An excess that turned tragic.
The Seafood King, Some Guy Named Bob, Another Guy Named Bob and I played in a fund-raising golf event this morning at one of the local country clubs. It was great fun and we finished playing just as the torrent began.
The tournament benefited the Boys and Girls Clubs, so there were some minor local celebs in attendance. We don't have any real celebrities here in our fair city since Linda Rondstat got pissed at us for being a bunch of small town hicks and moved to San Francisco, but we make do the best we can. Paul McCartney used to live here, but I don't know that he still does.
Our celebrity player was a local news anchor guy who works for the CBS affiliate. He was a genuinely nice guy and a lot of fun to be around. I asked him what he thought of the helicopter crash and he said that he knew two of the people personally. I think that if the news has to cover these high-speed chases, then maybe there should be one helicopter with a pool feed for all the stations. At least it would eliminate the congestion. Better yet, they could stop putting this stuff on the news altogether, but I suppose that once you invest in a helicopter, you have to use it for something.
So, I am off to the birthday celebration. We will be bringing Sneedlet One home with us, so it will be a busy evening around here.
Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky
Tag: Daily Life
Personal Finance
Thank God someone took photos of the helicopters as they crashed to the earth. I feel more informed having seen them.
Oh my gosh! What was so important that you couldn't leave work for your wife going into labor??? What was he thinking? Jerky boss!
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