Thursday is golf day. The usual suspects were all present and accounted for. The Seafood King, Some Guy Named Bob, Charlie and I played at the oldest of our city courses. The weather was fair and we had a really good time. Even though I am not a really good golfer, I felt especially pleased about my play today. Can't ask for more than that.
I was listening to an old talk given by Alan Watts about our search for the purpose of our lives. I'm not nearly smart enough to explain Watts' ideas on the meaning of life, but I am smart enough to kind of know what he means.
Perhaps you've had this experience. You're reading a book or an article or even a blog and you are so anxious to get to the payoff, that you race through, skipping over the words, in search of the meaning. I do that all the time. We kind of live our lives that way. Rush, rush, rush, looking for something...else.
In my one month of retirement I'll bet that I have been asked 25 times how long I will be able to keep busy without a job. The assumption is that without a job, my life has no real meaning and that I will be bored. Some have even predicted that I have begun a slow slide toward...what was it again Kurt?
What I do know is that tomorrow morning Son Sneed and I will drive to his therapy appointment. I will get to sit and listen to my iPod for a couple of hours while I wait. Then I will go have lunch with my good friend Lonnie. When I get home I will do some housework, perhaps take a nap and wait for the lovely Mrs. Sneed to come home.
At the very least, the meaning of life is living life at the moment, so I'll go with that.
Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky
Tag: Daily Life
Personal Finance
Sounds good to me! Live on!
What a great entry!
I used to love listening to Alan Watts on my community radio station in Tampa. They used to play his old talks right around the time I would be driving home for lunch. I didn't really grasp his every word, but his intonation and delivery was sort of mesmerizing and relaxing. I really miss that...
I listened to the same Alan Watts thing. I'm all for enjoying life right now, but I wish he would have talked about how to pay the rent too.
It sounds to me Merle like you are dealing with retirement really well right now. Doing things you enjoy doing and caring for people who really mean a lot to you. What's better than that? Working?? Get away!!
Ms Soup
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