Today is a milestone here at the MerleSneed blog, because today is my 200th post.
Most days I don't having much to say, but my commitment to myself is to write something each day, so, if you visit here, by design or by accident, I will be waiting.
This is what I've learned, or at least clarified, about myself through these 200 posts.
I really like most people, one-on-one. I am not crazy about some of the things they do. I don't much care who likes me or who doesn't, I pretty much like me.
Life is pretty much what it seems to be. I am not into metaphysical stuff or religion. We aren't going to live forever, here or anywhere else. Dust to dust is about right.
Most thing that seem like mumbo jumbo are. There are no UFOs, we can't talk to the dead, new-age anything is bunk, and mainstream medicine is the best way to get well. I am a skeptic.
I like to complain, but to be honest most things don't bother me nearly as much as I let on. I do find the incessant chatter of inconsiderate knuckleheads on their cell phone really infuriating. Most of my other rants are just observations, with a heavy dose of sarcasm. Entertainment, if you will.
My job is a frequent source of my complaining and most days it is boring as it can be. I get tired of having to make up for the constant cost-cutting that goes on. I am not responsible to cover for the shortcomings of management. Inertia is what keeps me there because I don't embrace change easily.
I have written about customer service battles that I have had. I am a heavyweight champion of nagging them into submission. I don't take no for an answer. I always assume that the person saying no, isn't the last word. I love to fight with corporate boneheads.
I also like having a little money. I was poor for a long time, we struggled for many years to get ahead and now we can enjoy freedom from financial pressures. As Dave Ramsey says, "We lived like no one else, so that later we can live like no one else." Over the years we have forsaken fancy cars, clothes, bigger homes and extravagant toys, so that when we can't or don't want to work we will be okay.
Most important to me is my family. We have had a bunch of setbacks, some tragic, some chronic medical issues, some I brought on, and some that were thrust upon us. It gives me an appreciation for family ties. And of course, I am crazy about the Sneedlets.
So, come back in 200 more posts and I'll likely be moaning about the same stuff.
Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgemental and cranky
Daily Life
Personal Finance
1 comment:
I still swear by St. John's Wort for preventing bronchitis.
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