Mar 17, 2010

There are a few times a year where Hooterville is a very nice place to live. This is one of those times.

We are having internet trouble, so God knows whether this will actually post.

Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky


The Bug said...

How lovely! Sorry for the internet woes...

Megan said...

I hate internet woes. Whatcha reading?

karen said...

Hey the patio area looks great...sorry about your water bill..that must have been a shocker, or should I say a soaker!
Happy Paddy's day

Barbara said...

Hooterville has to have a pleasant time of the year to balance the hellish heat of August! Enjoy it while it lasts. Our reliance on the Internet is obvious when it isn't working well...

Steve Reed said...

Great pic! We're having pretty awesome weather in New Jersey, too -- for a change!

Reya Mellicker said...

That's an incredible picture. Glad you're kicking back, enjoying March. xx

Marcia said...

I know its a Street sign, but the image almost looks like a Cross on the building. LORD KNOWS HE ISNT SHOWING UP AT YOUR HOUSE ANYTIME SOON! LOL