Nov 10, 2008

A billion here and a billion there, and soon you're talking about real money.--Everett Dirksen It seems like every day brings another dose of crappy economic news and I'm sick of it. AIG needs $150 billion, the Big Three automakers want $50 million, the banks need $700 billion, and it just goes on and on. If the government had any actual money, it would be one thing, but they don't. They just keep borrowing more and more from people overseas. One final note. Last week our state voted to restrict marriage to a mana and a woman only. Approximately 56% of the citizens of Arizona voted that way. I fully expected that Hooterville would vote against the measure and that Phoenix, a bastion of ultra right-wingers, would be what carried the day for the forces of ignorance. This morning our local paper printed a map showing the Hooterville votes by precinct. As it turns out, the liberal neighborhoods surrounding the University and the affluent foothill areas went strongly for the measure. The middle-class and lower middle-class areas of town turn out against the ban. Go figure. Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky


Reya Mellicker said...

My eyes cross and my forehead goes numb every time I read the economic news.

Having always lived very close to the line financially, I can't even imagine a million dollars, let alone a billion dollars. It all seems completely surreal.

I can't begin to guess how to fix these enormous problems. I feel sorry for our president elect, and wish him good luck. He's going to need it.

Squirrel said...

What Reya said... and as far as these right wingers go, the level of selfishness and sometimes hatred they seem to have when they "explain" their "position" against others--what a lot of time and energy they waste! They make my skin crawl.

Squirrel said...

we have a lot of right wingers living in our liberal affluent village--when I passed the huge mansions on election day, their McCain Palin signs were up. I never guessed it--they put the signs up just days before the election.

Megan said...

It boggles the mind.

Kurt said...

I'm sort of looking forward the riding the rails and asking for handouts at back doors.

We will use the old hobo code to warn fellow hoboes of dangers or tell them where they can get food. It will be hard, but it will be invigorating too.

Steve Reed said...

How strange! Any theories on why that is? It certainly turns conventional wisdom on its head.

bitchlet said...

Why can't the government just print more money?