Oct 30, 2008

This is not the actual Eiffel Tower, although those are actual clouds. This is a shot of the half-size replica of the Eiffel Tower, at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas. It will never substitue for the real Eiffel Tower, but it has better-looking cocktail waitresses. Perhaps you heard that the Phillies won the World Series yesterday. Merle Wayne Sneed is a happy guy about that. I can't explain what makes a person a fan of one particular team. Sometimes it's civic pride, but not always. I have only been to Philly once, yet I'm a lifelong fan. Go figure. On the election front, the consensus is growing among the pundits that the election will end in an Obama landslide. I suppose the news folks have a vested interest in continuing to comment on the closeness of the race, but as I have steadfastly maintained, it's over. It was over on the day the Republican nominated John McCain. When times are tough, the last thing folks want is more of the same and McCain represents more of the same. Whether or not he would actually be more of the same is immaterial, because perception is everything in politics. Those of us old enough to have experienced the Carter years understand the mood of the country very well. The citizens are sick to death of being sick to death. The last time the mood in the country was this sour, Reagan won in a landslide. It will happen again. We have also reached critical mass in the mind of the public and come Tuesday, large numbers of people who would normally vote for McCain will say, "screw it, he isn't going to win anyway." And the will vote Obama, making Obama's victory much larger than it appeared just a few days ago. Just saying. I played golf with the usual suspects today. We had our usual mayhem. Some Guy Named Bob, our scheduler, f*cked it up again. Some Guy Named Bob told us that out tee time was 10:40 AM, but at the last minute he remembered that it was really 10:10 AM. He called me and The Seafood King at 9:15 to "remind" us to be there at 10:10, like we wouldn't both remember that he said 10:40. A reasonable person might ask, "Why not have someone else schedule the times?" You have to know Some Guy Named Bob, to understand the answer. Even if we tried to 86 Some Guy Named Bob, he would just make a reservation anyway, completely ignoring us. It's hopeless. Our weather is a bit unseasonably warm, but not too hot. It was only 90 today. It is forecast to be 90 again tomorrow. 90 on fricking Halloween, Hooterville is ridiculuos. Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky


Kurt said...

Palin in 2016.

Megan said...

Chelsea 2024.

bitchlet said...

I must read up about the Carter years.

I like the picture.

Steve Reed said...

"But it's a dry heat." :)

Since I'm from Tampa, I was rooting for the Rays -- though I admit I wasn't watching the games. (Not a huge baseball fan.) It was just so amazing that they even got that far, since they usually stink.

Jams said...

Congrats on your Phillies. Those clouds are very realistic.

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

The Carter years were murder!

Well.. like my husband always says...

it took a Carter to get a Reagan....

I think Palin would be grrreat as a President. But actually, I think Mitt Romney would do better...

Fred Thompson was our original pick.. but he didn't want to deal w/ all the BS of campaign financing.

mouse (aka kimy) said...

phillies! yeah!!! I take this as a most excellent sign for an obama victory - I was rooting for the phillies and am rooting (and voted!!) for obama

gotta fire some guy named bob from the scheduling task.... but when you fire him dress it up and say you are just moving him to the more responsible position of beverages bringer.

yikes 90 - so all the kids in hooterville will be out as surfer dudes and dudettes? we are supposed to have mild and pleasant weather...wednesday's snow and sleet is now just a distant memory!