Monday is supposed to be my day off but it didn't work out that way. I was at the rose garden bright and early to deadhead, water and pull weeds.

This is a beautful rose, don't you agree?

The deadheading never ends.

The move of the lucrative Sneed insurance account proceeded apace today. I was successful in changing auto insurers and will soon be moving the house insurance as well. As for The Hartford, they remain clueless.
I called today to ask if they have sent the cancellation letter to us yet and the person I spoke to said that they had not. I advised him to cancel us effective today. The old "you can't fire me, I quit".
This afternoon I received a notice in the mail for The Hartford that our annual premium is being raised to $2163 from $1602 due to a recent addition to our policy. What addition? It noted that we had been given a discount for being loyal customers and accident-free drivers. Dumb bastards. You can't make this stuff up.
Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky
This was a very informative post, which many lovely photographs. The rose closeup was particularly nice. It's a shame you had to use foul language in the last paragraph though.
I peruse a few blogs before work.
I usually don't laugh out loud.
"Dumb bastards. You can't make this stuff up."
But this worked today, Thanks!
Sorry Hugh! ; )
Dennis thinks Hugh is out of his time. Dennis deals with dumb bastards all day long.
Dennis likes your rose garden though--it's big and very organized!
Sounds like one hand doesn't know what the other is doing at the ol' Hartford.
This is Roger from The Hartford. If you would give me a call, I'm sure we could work out something that would allow you to keep your policy and let us keep charging you the same amount. Hoping to hear from you,
I know that Roger. He's a good guy.
I had not imagined the rose garden being so extensive. Fabulous!
What a beautiful garden!
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