Team Sneed is in disarray this morning after having the rug pulled from under our collective feet by the Obama people and that conniver Joe Biden.
A late-night voice mail from Mr. Obama put a halt to the frenzied preparations that had been underway at Sneed headquarters. A team of my youthful volunteers were searching the garage, trying to locate my suitcase when the news came that Obama had picked another old white man over me.
Team Sneed was enjoying some celebratory refreshments, Pizza Bites and Diet Fanta Orange, when Stuie Knox, former blog intern, turned campaign communications director, informed the team of the voice mail message.
"Dude, you better check your voice mail, it sucks to be you right now."
And to Stuie's credit, it did suck to be me. Even more than usual.
One volunteer summed the mood up succinctly saying, "Shit, he couldn't have called before we moved all those damn boxes?"
As a token of my appreciation, I let my campaign finance team keep the change they found among the furniture cushions. That money was earmarked for a bus ticket to Denver. Needless to say, I won't need it now.
We've put out a feeler to the McCain camp about the possibility of an Old and Older 2008 ticket, but it is a longshot at this point.
Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky
Well, who knew? :) Nice blog!
Dennis says stay home and calm down, no need to get crazy. You're way too young for McCain --I hear he's going with someone his own age, so they can use the old "144 years of experience" slogan.
Sorry to hear. Time already has advertisements of Biden standing behind Obama.
The bird and Dennis make a funny picture together.
It's a shame you had to react the way you did--forcing them to make that sign and hire a lot of extra security
Forget it! I'm not even voting now.
I still want one of the t-shirts.
it's just as well, Merle. you wouldn't be able to wear a suit to work everyday anyway.
We'll miss you in Denver this week, Merle. I'll tell Obama and Joe that you said "hi."
Well, I'm crossing my fingers for a cabinet position . . .
I agree with Kurt.
I've heard that the VP residence is full of rats, and I'm not just talking about our current vice prez.
How sad, Merle. I am playing my tiny violin for you!
But what did Kurt say?
Who's Old and who's Older?
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