Many readers will confirm that I frequently do a poor job in editing my blog. For example, Monday I typed balck, when I meant black. Chalk it up to my super fast typing ability.
Of course, I extend that same understanding to other people's innocent typo, but they still are good for a laugh sometimes. Especially when they are very public.
The IHOP restaurant near Daughter Sneed's home had a marquee proclaiming "Now Asscepting Applications".
This past spring a little league in our area posted about a zillion professionally produced posters around town with the message, "Little Legaue sign up April 7, 2007, XYZ Park." They were literally on every corner. I'm sure someone noticed, but it was probably too late to correct the error.
Our fair city is spelled Tucson. It is commonly misspelled as Tuscon, an understandable mistake. Unless you are the city government and send out misprinted correspondence with City of Tuscon on it. That actually happened.
I passed by my old school, the one where I was the keeper of the miscreants for an entire school year, and noticed this on the marquee.
Frist Day, August 14
I wasn't sure whether it was announcing the beginning of the school year or a day honoring the former senator from Tennessee. I went home to get my camera, but some eagle eye corrected it before I could memorialize it in photograph. I hate when that happens.
Son Sneed and I were up early today to get to his treatment by 6:15 am. The good thing about getting there early, is getting done early. The doctor thinks his last treatment will be this Friday. Then it will be wait and see how it works for him.
Our monster storm yesterday wrecked havoc with much of Our Fair City. A poor 60-year-old guy drove an Explorer into a flooded wash and he and the car were swept away. He was drowned. There was also significant damage to many businesses and homes. We sure need the rain, but not the mayhem.
Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky
Tag: Daily Life
Personal Finance
I could actually use a little mayhem.
Yikes on the floods...
we get those flash floods here too...
quite scary...
and re: words spelled wrong...
I transpose words a lot!!
I need to become more dependant/dependent on the ABC check!! I only wish the comment box had a spell check...
so.. is it dependant or dependent???
I've never needed any special equipment to mope... I wonder if it enhances the experience?
Stay dry, dear Merle!
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