Jul 19, 2007

You Pills Are Ready, Mr. Sneed


Not this.
Is it me or does customer service get worse by the day? The chief reason I left my job at Tedious Systems was I grew tired of dealing with customers who were pissed off from being mistreated by my coworkers, and a boss who was too ineffective to deal with them.

I posted a few days ago that the brain trust in the Tedious Systems benefit department wasted no time in 86ing me from the health insurance plan, but took their sweet time enrolling me in the retiree insurance group. There will be no lapse in coverage, but there have been headaches in the interim.

My doctor sent two prescriptions to my neighborhood Walgreens for me. I take a couple of drugs, one to make me age artificially, so that I don't look like a twenty-year old forever and a second to to tone down my massive physique, so that I can buy clothing in stores rather than having it custom made. I suffer from a rare genetic defect called Adonis Syndrome.

If you have seen my photo, you will immediately recognize that there has been some trouble getting the dosage right. Frankly, he has overdosed me and I look like an over-the-hill train wreck. He promises this latest "tweek" will restore my good looks and youthful figure. But I digress.

I spoke with the good folks at HealthNet, my HMO, yesterday and they assured me that I was back in their system and everything was peachy, coverage-wise. So I trotted down to Walgreens, where some pharmacy technician carefully explained that I had no coverage.

"But", I offered helpfully, "I just spoke to them."

"Nope, not in the system."

Today I was sitting in my chair carefully studying the backs of my eyelids when I received a call from the Walgreens pharmacy. The super voice response system told me that my prescriptions were ready for pick up. I hustled down there and was not the least bit surprised to learn that they needed my insurance information, since according to "the computer" I have no coverage. As we all know "the computer" has the final word in all matters.

This led to a whole discussion about why they called me if I have no coverage, but that remains unclear, but clearly my fault. I drove home and came in to a ringing phone. It was the pharmacy tech calling to tell me that the insurance was straightened out and that I could come back down. Brilliant. I'll do it another day.

Thursday, as all faithful readers know, is golf day with the Seafood King, and today was no exception.

Seafood, Some Guy Named Bob, Charlie and I played today. It was unseasonably cool but humid. By 11 am when we finished it was muggy and uncomfortable. But we had fun.

Seafood's father is in town for a few days from Texas and he is a really nice old guy. He woks at a WalMart in Texas doing maintenance of some type and he loves working for WalMart. He told me that WalMart loves guys "our" age because we are reliable.

Our age? The man is seventy-two and I am fifty-seven. The doctor needs to get my pills straightened out is all I can say. For cripes sake, Seafood is fifty-one. How the hell old do I look? Oh wait, I know the answer. Seventy-two. Geez Louise.

Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky



Fred said...

Geezer was messing with your head-- he's trying to hang with the hip young crowd, wants to be fully accepted. Walmart is evil btw

Anonymous said...

HEY! That's me!

That is all.

alphabet soup said...

There you are Merle - a job at Walmart might be just the thing - but then again Tony doesn't seem to think much of them.....
Ms Soup

Kurt said...

Starbucks. If you work 20 hours a week or more, you get health coverage. I have one down the street. I keep asking, but they have no openings.