Perhaps you have had this experience. I received an email this morning from a fellow who wants to advertise on my blog. Since I only get 25 visitors per day to my blog, it seems unlikely that I am the sort of site that advertisers covet. This smells of a scam. There are other reasons not to pursue this enticing offer.
First of all, I have accrued a sweet $14.77 using Google AdSense, and I am closing in on the magic $100 figure. At one hundred bucks they pay me the money. It has taken two years to get to $14.77, so I'm not giving up now. Google will pull their ads if I sign up with a non-Google advertiser.
Secondly, a bit of internet research uncovered this guy and his company to be a shifty payday loan operation. These high interest, short-term loans people are the scum of the earth, and only an moron who has never read my blog would send the email in the first place. But, of course I don't flatter myself by thinking that this is anything other than a mass emailing. Plus, Sneed blog readers are financially sophisticated and would never fall prey to this skunk and his ilk.
Speaking of shifty offers, I must have a potential career waiting as (a) a nurse, (b) a teacher or (c) a tester of hotel quality, because each and everyday, without exception, I get an email offering me the chance to train for these jobs. I'm thinking it could be a trick to get my money. Can you become a nurse over the internet? Or a teacher? Seems fishy, but since I am afraid to open the emails, I guess I will never know..
Son Sneed is coming home from the hospital today. It will be nice to see the guy. He will be getting his ECT on an outpatient basis for the next couple of weeks, so we will be getting up really early to drive to the hospital.
Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky
Tag: Daily Life
Personal Finance
A "family member" keeps sending me egreeting cards, and all I have to do is click on the link to read it.
Much Love and Good Wishes to Son Sneed.
Spammers never cease to amaze me. I've been getting those greeting card spams, like Kurt, and all manner of fairly filthy sexual product marketing. (In my OFFICE e-mail, no less!) I never had blog-ad spam like you describe, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time.
(I did once get a solicitation from a marketer who wanted me to help promote the DVD of "The Last King of Scotland," because I'd mentioned liking the movie on my blog. I thought that was fairly targeted marketing! But I blew him off.)
Anyway, glad Son Sneed is coming home. :)
The spam I've been getting is a tangent on the old Nigerian swindler email, where, in exchange for my ss# and bank account #'s, a Nigerian is going to transfer a million bucks into my account.
Uh-huh. Sure.
The new spin is that it's a dottering old British lady who has willed her money all to her dog, so this person is "kindly" emailing me, hoping to transfer some of this money to a human being.
I guess there's one born every minute, but I can't imagine anyone could fall for this crap.
i keep getting spam to enhance a part that I do not even have. creepy.
The photo posted -- the room looks so uncomfortable... but tidy.
I received some spam message from a person on my blog claiming they make a ton of money on their blog using some ad thing, and that I would make even more since my blog is better. Why would a stranger help me out by referring me to that place? I figured it was a scam, but glad to know you followed through and checked it out. Ad Sense is tempting! Maybe I could make $14!
Glad Son Sneed is home!
That is all.
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