Sneedlet finally went home yesterday after having spent four, count 'em, four nights with us. I love the little guy with all my heart but enough is enough. I've seen enough PBS Kids Sprout to last me a while. Daughter Sneed tried to explain living with him day in and day out was nerve-wracking, but I didn't believe her. Now I do.
Son Sneed is writing a diary while he is in the hospital and intends to publish it on his blog when he gets out. He has also hatched a scheme to move into an semi-independent residence, operated by one of our community mental health organizations. I think it's a swell idea. It will give him some autonomy and give us all some space.
I took advantage of my golf pass today. I went out at 9 am and was home by 1:30 pm. The weather here has been downright bearable today. I don't even think we got to a hundred, so it was a good day to play golf. Unfortunately, it wasn't a good day to play golf well, but that is probably not weather related.
You may have read that Katie Couric blew up and hit one of her lackeys for inserting the word sputum in the news copy. I'm thinking that if you're getting millions to read the damn news, no standard English word should be out of bounds, but that's just me. I'm also thinking that if you strike an underling, you should get fired, but again, me.
This flap is reminiscent of the old Mary Tyler Moore show. Murray Slaughter was forever writing copy with words that Ted Baxter couldn't say, just to screw with him. Apparently, the perky Katie has issues with the word sputum and has had it banned from the CBS Evening News. the bootlickers that surround her would have us believe that she just doesn't like saying sputum. Sure she doesn't.
Tomorrow's copy should have the sentence, "He coughed and got sputum on his scrotum." that would be great. Murray Slaughter, where are you?
Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky
Tag: Daily Life
Personal Finance
Katie Couric hit someone?? Wow, how did I miss that?
I think Son Sneed's blogging plan is a good one. Writing things down may help him organize his thoughts and develop an effective coping mechanism.
I don't really watch the news, but I was flipping through the channels last night and noticed Katie Couric looked terrible. "Things must not be going well for her," I thought.
sputum? is it pronounced spewtum? does it have to do with coughing--otherwise I have no clue what it is... I read"The Magic Mountain" by Thomas Mann and I am pretty sure that word was in that book a few times..
I've never heard of "sputum." It's sounds almost as perverse as Kurt's flip flop (thong) looked in his last post. I would hit someone if they made me say it in front of millions. Hitting is a good release.
Looking forward to Son Sneed's publishings. I hope the move to the other living situation will be a good one. It's never pleasant living with your parents no matter how cool/accomodating/spoiling they are. It eventually wears on everyone. An alternative to that would be good.
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