Dec 31, 2006

New Year's Eve

The Sneedlets were playing a spirited game of Candyland this morning when one Sneedlet was so stunned by an unexpected move, that he toppled over backward.

This morning Older Son Sneed and family came over for a visit. Son Sneed bought a new fancy convertible car and wanted to show it off. It is really nice and the lovely Mrs. Sneed and I took it for a quick spin around the neighborhood, with the top down. Moments like these make me think about getting a new car, but the old Sneed Family Junkster, still runs well and after six years of service has only 49,000 miles on it. Let's face it, I am just too cheap to buy a new car.

Sneedlet 1 and I spent some time this morning digging up some unwanted fountain grass in front of the house. It technically was on the neighbor's property and she was always talking about ripping it out, so Sneedlet and I dug it up so that I could include it in my trip to the dump.

For reason that only Sneedlet understood, he thought it was his job to use his tiny shovel to take tiny shovelfuls of dirt and dump them in the trash can. Since the can is much taller than he, the dirt wound up in the proximity of the can, rather than in it. He was none-the-less quite satisfied with his work. Sneedlets parents picked him up and I went to the dump to dispose of the junk. In all, it was a good day.

Just a few more hours and we can close the books on 2006, at least in our part of the world. Perhaps 2007 has already arrived where you are. The lovely Mrs. Sneed and I will pass the time quietly. She has a paper that she is working on for her school, so that will occupy her time. I plan to watch television, surf the internet and maybe read a book that I found in our cleaning yesterday.

This past year has been good to us on balance. My hope for each new year is that it will be just slightly better than the last. I have to say that 2006 met that criterion.

Our Sneedlets and their parents enjoyed good health, as did the lovely Mrs. Sneed and I. Younger Son Sneed's chronic health problems continued, but at least didn't get worse. In fact he made considerable progress toward completing another phase of his education, which is a big step for him. He is working toward becoming independent and free of the need to rely on his folks.

Financially we are doing well. Our jobs are steady and we have money to spend, save and give away. Years of saving and hard work are paying dividends for us, not giant dividends, but good ones.

This past year I made a personal decision to let the world take care of itself. I gave up TV news and political talk radio. It is liberating to not have to hold a political opinion. I have to tip my hat to the good folks at Apple for inventing the Ipod. It has really changed my life for the better by giving me access to material that I would never have found otherwise.

I made a commitment to blog each day and I mostly did so, even when people begged me to stop or left comments intimating that I am an idiot. I suppose it is not strictly an intimation when the comment begins, Hey idiot! Undeterred, I blogged on.

Anyway, tomorrow's another year and we will see how that works out for us.


Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgemental and cranky


1 comment:

Kurt said...

I am always amazed by the number of people who are willing to tell everyone their opinion, even when they clearly have nothing to add to the discussion.