My gardenia is in bloom.

Have you ever thought about how much our understanding of the world around us, keeps us from understanding the world around us? Or the universe beyond us?
Or how our willingness to accept the easy answer, robs us of the important discoveries?
Or how hard we will work to stay where we are?
And how far we will trudge to keep from running?
Someone once said to me, "The only things that are impossible, are those things you can't imagine."
So maybe the laws of thermodynamics are inviolable and maybe father actually knows best and maybe God made it, or maybe not.
Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky
Our understanding getting in the way of understanding: guess that's why life keeps knocking the pegs from under us. Just to show us we didn't understand as much as we thought we did.
oh, and thanks so much: I can smell that gardenia, I swear! Impossible? Not at all if I can imagine it. Boy,does it ever smell great :-)
You sound just like my dad here. That gardenia ~ it makes me want a gardenia bush, or at least a gardenia corsage.
You should have named this one "Deep."
Beautiful gardenia. The gardenia was my sister's favorite scent.
Our minds conception and now we are afraid? I am all of what you wrote. But there is a latent strain of behavior (my dna) that calls me to bend/tweak/push/modify, not completely but sometimes-OH so throughly the laws of..??.. So can I mess with the laws of thermo---(can't even say it) without burning my house down, or does that just mean point the firecracker thingy away from your face? I envy, mine is scrawny.
Yes, I think about all those things from time to time.
I knew a guy in college who thought gravity was just all the cells in your body acceleratong downward. Since cells are run by electricity, and the brain controls the cells, he believed if he told his cells not to accelerate toward the ground, he would be able to float in the air. He was not successful.
YES! Curiosity and an open mind are two things I try to cultivate in myself.
I love learning things I don't already know and I love the friends who challenge me, who argue with me and who present me with alternative points of view. Nothing is more fun than to have one of those AHA breakthrough moments when my mind actually gets out of its rut and discovers a different perspective.
Thank you for this and oh the gardenias! I can smell them from here. YUM!
Merle, I love ya. And I miss ya. Not much time to read blogs working for the mess that is the U.S. Congress and all (whoever likened our legistlative process to sausage making was being profoundly unfair to the sausage guys, trust me). And, BTW, gardenias are my favorite flower, and yours are absolutely lovely.
I often think about bringing home a gardenia plant but in the past I never had much luck with having them last...there must be a secret to having them survive up here in the north.... I fear even indoors in the winter it's not warm enough...
they have such an intoxicating scent, I too can smell them in my 'mind's nose'...
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