May 7, 2009

Congratulate us, it hit 100 degrees today. I feel all toasty. Here's what we are up against in Arizona. We have a three billion dollar deficit in our state budget. People are being laid off and services are being cut. The state universities are scrambling to make ends meet and teachers in our public schools are being let go. It's a mess. So what's our legislature up to? They are making sure that citizens have the right to have guns in their cars at work. Even if the company prohibits it. The Arizona House of Representatives passed this legislation on a voice vote. The voice vote was to provide cover for the cowards who voted yea, but don't want their constituents getting pissed at them. In order to keep guns off company property, the owner of a business, an apartment complex or a commercial property would have to fence in the parking lot, hire a security guard to search every vehicle entering it and then provide gun lockers for any guns they find entering their fenced in lot. I'm not kidding. Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky


R.L. Bourges said...

What the ?!%*>¨% ? What is wrong with these... people?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, what R.L. said.

Megan said...

Arizona is freakin weird, man.

alphabet soup said...

I think I have more questions than comments.
Ms Soup

Nan Patience said...

hmm, guns and money. The gun lobby is so strong that it's probably even stronger than the banks, and it's hard to say which is more threatening. When the citizens finally wrestle those weapons out of the wrong hands, then we may truly have peace and progress. Until then, it's just lies and rhetoric.