Regardless of how we screw things up, Spring shows up, just as scheduled. Maybe it is still Winter where you are, but in Hooterville it is Spring. The roses are starting to leaf out.
Regret is the insight that comes a day too late--Unknown
Truer words have never been spoken.
Maybe you've had an undeserved sharp word for a loved one or failed to keep a promise or maybe an angry pedestrian punched the side of your car and you jumped out and threatened to kick his ass. All things that in retrospect you wish you could undo, but you can't.
My buddy, the Seafood King, had a major blowup at bowling Wednesday and when we played golf on Thursday he was still beating himself up over it.
We have a team in our Wednesday night bowling league that is notorious for slow play. It is not just that they are slow, one member is tortuously slow, inconsiderately slow. The Seafood King asked him to speed it up and this only seemed to make the guy slower. The Seafood King took this to be obstinacy and unleashed a verbal hissie fit on the guy. To little avail.
Of course, like in most cases like this, the Seafood King came off looking like a total jerk and the real total jerk came off looking like a victim. As our mothers always told us, two wrongs don't make a right.
To make matters worse, another member, the religious sort, abruptly collected his stuff and told the Seafood King that his language was offensive to him. The Seafood King told him that this is men's bowling, not the Girl Scouts, another fine moment.
Man, I've only been on the wrong side of that story about a million times.
Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky
I went bowling last weekend and got my first strike. It was awesome.
Why drag the Girls Scouts into it? Harrumph! Besides they know more bad language than they let on...
Ha, I had to laugh. Poor Seafood King; he'll get over it, I'm sure. Have you really jumped out of your car?!
The Seafood King told him that this is men's bowling, not the Girl Scouts
This made me laugh out loud.
If he feels bad about what he said, just let him listen to Christian Bale's verbal lashing. Compared to that I'm sure he came across as a saint.
I don't condone the Seafood King's behavior...but that Girl Scouts line DID make me laugh.
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