I'm beginning to feel like my health insurance company is trying to wean me off my policy, without telling me and without cutting my premiums.
My premiums went up at the first of the year, accompanied by higher co-pays and a reduction in coverage. Other than that, it is a swell arrangement. I hope someone figures out how to fix this mess. I'm slowing trading my meager pension for health care.
I was out this morning, in the rain I might add, with my knuckle-headed pals, the Seafood King and Some Guy Named Bob. We played golf and due to the inclement weather, had the course to ourselves.
Poor Some Guy Named Bob is in a world of his own on the golf course. He doesn't keep score and if he hits a bad shot, he just reaches into his pocket for another ball and hits again. It can be unnerving because one must always be on his guard when playing with Some Guy Named Bob. Just when you least expect it, he will hit a shot without regard to where the other players are located. It isn't an official round of golf unless Some Guy Named Bob has winged someone.
Then there is the matter of his eyesight, which isn't good. The Seafood King observed that Some Guy Named Bob, is the inspiration for Mr. Magoo. Brilliant.
Some Guy Named Bob hits the ball and generally has no idea where it has gone. On every shot the dilemma is to help him find his ball or simply leave him to fend for himself. Mostly it is the former, but sometimes you have to ignore him or the round would take six hours.
One problem with leaving him on his own is that he becomes preoccupied with trying to find lost golf balls in the bushes. Some Guy Named Bob has about a thousand old golf balls, but he thinks a few more would be great.
He's a lunatic, but he's our lunatic.
Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky
The whole insurance thing is getting very scary...
costs are so high, co pays are high.. cutting out benefits, even if you go to a hospital that is on your plan, the doctors that see you may not be on your plan.. then you have to pay 40% to 60%...
I have two friends of cardiac babies that are drowning in medical debt and they have insurance that costs them over $1000 month.. but still owe tens of thousands of dollars...
they are sinking.. and it's very sad..
one friend even posted a sign on her baby's bed in the hospital up at Stanford... "If you don't take my insurance, don't stop to see my baby."
"Sometimes you have to ignore him or the round would take six hours."
I am a puddle of giggles...
At least Some Guy Named Bob is enjoying himself. And he has such good friends.
I haven't had any health insurance in years. Once upon a time when i said that out loud, people looked at me in shock, as if I'd done something wrong. Now they don't even blink.
National health care is coming, not right away but sooner rather than later. My mental note to Obama? Close Gitmo first, then attend to the greedy stupid insurance companies.
Be well, friend.
I buy my own insurance (not recommended). In California, it was affordableish. In my new state, it is not, but fortunately the state has a program for unemployed losers. But the subsidized plan is still more than the regular plan in California.
Bob is a lucky man!
I thought of you when I read this from my "heart mom" friends blog re: here baby Isaac...
this is what she wrote, they are the ones tens of thousands in debt and they pay 1000 a month for insurance:
**oh wait..I almost forgot to tell you. STILL..I'm getting billed for Isaac's cleft palate surgery. Blue Cross doesn't want to pay and his secondary medicaid insurance will not pay if blue cross doesn't pay first.
Seriously. At this point...in this economy....I don't even care. I'll tell them that I'll pay $5 a month....one day they'll get their money.
It's the dumbest thing EVER. The hospital is approved...and once again the doctors that enter the hospital are not providers! How is that even fair?? IT's not!
That's all I have to say about that...I can't use bad words (and that's all I'm thinking)
I can empathize! I am disabled since birth and were I not able to keep and pay for health insurance from a job I held several years ago, I would have nothing to cover the latest round of needed therapy, doctor visits and bracing. I am still waiting to hear whether or not a new and needed brace will be covered! No rest for the wicked as they once again figure out how to screw with the people who pay their too high premiums for lousy service!
Some Guy Named Bob is a riot! LOL!
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