We went to the mall this afternoon and noticed this as we returned to the car. Apparently, someone drove off and left their stroller. I checked, there was no kid in it.
I've never driven off and left a stroller in the parking lot. That takes a real dope. I did once forget I was babysitting our two older children and went to the store while the kids were napping, but that was an honest mistake. Anyone could have made it.
I have to say that the trip to the mall was pretty much a bust all around. I went to get my eyes examined, but in Sneed fashion, I made an appointment at the wrong place and ended up in a joint I vowed never to go back to. Why you ask?
Many years ago, I got my eyes examined by this criminal optometrist. Okay, technically he wasn't a criminal, but when I asked him for a copy of my prescription, he refused to give it to me. He said it was because, I didn't go back for a two-week follow up after I got my contacts. That is optometrist speak for, "You aren't ordering contacts by mail if I can stop you."
In Arizona they have to give you the prescription for glasses immediately, but they can make you come back for a follow up before you get a copy of a contact lens prescription. I guess if they can't stick you for over-priced contacts, they will stick you for an additional visit.
Today, it was an exam for glasses, so when they tried to hustle their overpriced merchandise on me, I just asked for the prescription and left. I'll go to Costco and pay half the price, for a better product. And, yes I did vow to not wear my glasses anymore, but that didn't work out as well as I had hoped.
Did you know that eye wear has the highest markup of any retail product? I read that, so it must be true.
Second on the agenda was switching our cellphones over to a new company. Our current company, Qwest Wireless, sold its soul to Verizon and is making us switch over to them.
The way it works is that current Qwest customers who are under contract, can either switch to Verizon or pay Qwest $250 for 'early termination'. If you wait until the end of February, Qwest will cease to exist and your phone will just be disconnected and they will free you from your contract. But your phone number will be lost and gone forever.
We had to pick out new phones, because our perfectly fine Qwest phones don't work on the Verizon system. Verizon was offering basic phones for free, which works just fine for me, but Mrs. Sneed wanted something a step up from the bottom of the barrel. Her first and second choices were unavailable, but in the end she got something that was satisfactory.
Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky
What I know is that at least for me, getting a pair of glasses I can actually see through costs me a frickin' fortune.
My cel phone is bottom of the barrel. It doesn't take pictures and can not hook into the internet.
It works fine.
eye care is the worst.
"babysitting your children" Thats a funny statement to me, For the fact that I always thought baby sitting was a JOB. NOt that parenting isnt a job, because I highly think it is... But technically you were parenting. This could get all technical right here, so Ill shushh it, and leave you to have a nice day. OH... and Verizon, is AWESOME!!!!! now we can call each other for free and chit chat all day, for FREEE (with out costing you adtional money and minutes over your purchase plan) Wait.. that is, if you ever called me, or i called you.. or If we were really friends. anyway, just know, that IF you want to talk to me... ITS FREE. (verizon to verizon is FREE) You will find yourself asking people what plan they are on, trust me it happens.
When my son was young, I had a recurring dream that I would forget to feed him for days. Once I dreamed I had twins. I fed and nourished one, and never fed the other one. Only sick people have dreams like that. Sick, I say.
I think that stroller was a statement on the bush administration.
Sorry, couldn't help myself.
I can totally see forgetting the stroller.
Marcia, one of my husband's pet peeves was when people would say he was babysitting his own kids.
On more than one occassion I have arrived at my destination to find that my child's car seat was not buckled. That always gave me a sick feeling, mixed with relief.
I try to forget my cell phone everywhere I go. Regretably it always manages to find me.
Dude - still no RSS feed.
Glasses and beds seem like the biggest ripoff to me.
This is a very moving post. I was moved by it. Thank you for moving me.
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