Dec 18, 2008

It never fails. Kip and Mindy of the Action News Team breathlessly tell us to run for the hills because of the heavy storm that is on its way, and what we actually get is nothing. You may recall that heavy rain and bitter cold were headed our way. What we got was a sprinkling and some coolness. As storms go, this was a bust. The Seafood King, Some Guy Named Bob and I headed to the golf course today, foul weather be damned. The weather turned very nice and most knuckleheads stayed home over fears of being pelted by frogs falling from the sky. We had the course to ourselves for the most part. My jacket came off on the first hole, followed by the sweatshirt a few holes later. By the turn I was in shirt sleeves and the sun was shining. Here's an ethical question for you. Suppose that you lived where the law mandated that all cars over 5 years old, be tested for emissions yearly, when the license plates are renewed. Further suppose that the renewal notice for your 8-year-old truck arrived and it was stamped, "No Emissions Test Required". Would you; (A) Call the motor vehicle division and tell them that they made a mistake, because you are an upstanding citizen who values clean air, or (B) Renew your tag online asap and hope they never figure out their error? Hint: My new tag came in the mail today. Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky


Megan said...

B. Definitely B.

Glad you had nice weather for the golf today.

a. said...

Definitely B.

When we have rain here, they always give it such a fun name. This last storm was headlined on the news as:
"Artic Storm Watch Team Coverage"

Kurt said...

If you're like California, testing is mandatory after five years, but it's biannual.

A Concerned Citizen said...

I would like to think that I would have chosen A, but in all likelihood temptation and convenience would've won out and I would have gone with B. To feel better about having chosen B, I would have said something like, "This is the universe's way of evening the score for all those times I have been utterly screwed by the DMV." And believe me, in our nation's capital, the DMV is famous for its incompetence and downright idiocy.

As for the weather, I stopped listening to the forecasters long ago. I take more of a wake-up-and-open-the-front-door-approach myself.

Jams said...

Meteorologists are the only people who can be wrong over 50% of the time and keep their jobs.

About the emissions thing, I say go for it. It's a good time to test you sense of guilt. If you suffer guilt, you'll get over it because it isn't a huge deal. If you don't feel guilty, you can move on to bigger transgressions...shoplifting, mugging, carjacking... until you reach your threshold. It's the smart way to go.

Barbara said...

I would have picked B, telling myself that I was sure it would have passed inspection.

dennis said...

Dennis has no cares or worries concerning transport or weather. Let the humans worry... but if Dennis was human, he'd pick B.

Anonymous said...

Look, if they SAID no emissions test was required, then they are RIGHT! the rules must not apply to all vehicles or what have you, or maybe they've changed--anyway, They always know best, the DMV knows more than we know about DMV stuff, so if they say something about your vehicle, it must be true.

Reya Mellicker said...

I would definitely choose B. You know me, Merle, I would decide that the gods had decided no emissions test was necessary.

I have a mystical excuse for everything.

Squirrel said...

A thick soft snow is falling here in Nyack today! It has already created that silence that snowfall seems to bring.

Nan Patience said...

What would Wayne do?

mouse (aka kimy) said...

I say it's a no brainer....

Avid Reader said...

yes I would read what the DMV wrote, and comply.