Nov 13, 2008

When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion.--A. Lincoln I believe Lincoln had it just about right. Longtime readers know that Merle Wayne Sneed rejects the notion of a personal god. We live for a bit and then we return to the cosmic soup. Beyond that, I neither know nor care to know. If a supreme being exists, I am confident it cares nothing about me. Obedience to a power unseen makes us do some awful things. For sure, it makes us do some really good things too, but I suspect that with or without our belief in the supernatural, we would behave in about the same way. It is in our nature. We live cooperatively because it is to our evolutionary advantage. Unbridled mayhem and murder would soon lead to our extinction, as would a simple disregard for the welfare of our fellow human. We rely on one another because he have to, our genes demand it. Our nearest relatives, the great apes, behave socially in much the same way we do, and when I last checked they had not organized into religious sects. So it must be more fundamental than that. Going back to Lincoln's thought, at the core of the world's great religions is the idea that treating others as you would like to be treated is the fundamental principle. That seems to me, the only rule religion needs. If you wouldn't like to be judged, don't judge. If you enjoy being married don't deny that right to others. If you wouldn't like your family torn apart by a bomb, don't bomb others. Pretty simple stuff. You'd think anyway. Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky


a. said...

I couldn't agree more Merle Wayne Sneed. The Golden Rule is all you need.

Megan said...


Squirrel said...

Yes, Good post, Merle!

Reya Mellicker said...

What goes around, comes around. Yep, I am in full agreement with you, Merle.

And though I believe with all my heart that there is a divine wisdom that transcends as well as permeates the world, and also believe that this divine wisdom loves you, Merle Wayne Sneed, beyond reason, I would never, ever, in a million years, try to convince you to believe what is true for me.

I'm so glad you're out there, posting and selling hardware and just being you. Bravo!

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

I do believe in "the laws of life"...

but I could not imagine not having my faith in God.

Now, when Matthew was suffering in the hospitals and when we ran out of health coverage for him... I did feel that HE abandoned us...
but then miracles started happening... Now Mike's faith was never shaken.. but mine sure was...

When I first met Mike, he didn't believe in God either... even though he was born and raised Catholic... he felt religion was just a crutch....

but over the past 7 years...
he has become ALL Christian... reads the Bible and listens to the Bible on his iPod. It all started with 911 and when his beloved grandma died... she was a devout Catholic.

Steve Reed said...

I think religions are valuable for just the reasons you mentioned -- to reinforce social responsibility and a message of compassion. Humans probably didn't need that when we lived in small family groups, but as society got larger and more complex we needed to remind ourselves to care for strangers (or at least not be hostile to them).

Unfortunately, over the years, religions have become twisted to justify all kinds of awful behavior, and the central message often gets lost. But I still think ultimately society is better off with religion than without it.

I don't believe in God as a conscious being or creator -- I'm more of a "cosmic soup" person, too. I think that's such a comfort -- we are everything, and everything is us.

Jams said...

Pretty simple stuff, I agree, but deep. You can be both deep and simple, can't you? I mean, some of the deepest stuff is purely simple. I'm pretty sure that's right.

Coffee Messiah said...

Well, it is that simple.

I happen to work with someone who recently mentioned I need to be more open.

Everyone laughs, since I stand out here like a sore thumb.

Regardless, she's always quoting the Bible, yet has nothing good to say about anyone who is of color or different.

Go figure? ; (

Cosmic Soup is good! ; )

Cheers to ya!

tut-tut said...

I'd say your thinking is as sound as an apple, Mr. Sneed.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...
