Oct 2, 2008


“My favorite review described me as the cinematic equivalent of junk mail.”--Steve Buscemi There are twelve houses on our cul-de-sac, but they gave us a 15-home mailbox. Maybe that's all they had. That's us, number eight, second from the left on the bottom. It's a prestigious location, don't you think? I was talking to my mailman Keith one day about these community mailboxes. I kind of like them because they are convenient and secure. Keith dislikes them because it requires fewer mail carriers to service community boxes than individual ones. You gotta love a union man. This is the typical box in our neighborhood, outside of the cul-de-sac. Most people don't go for the deluxe pedestal, complete with the house address, though. These days many people worry about their junk mail being stolen, so they install secure boxes. A house for your mail. Isn't America great? Some mailboxes are traditional boxes on a wooden post, and some are fancier variations on that theme. This makes me wonder if it shouldn't be a mailbox at the cemetery . Some people turn their lowly mailbox into a monument, and others into a shrine. Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky


Megan said...

I think that last one is just asking for a little target practice, don't you???

Great photos! The cemetery version is my favorite.

Coffee Messiah said...

Nice look into the delivery of mail in your community.

I kind of like that last one, a shrine to the mail gods! ; )

A Concerned Citizen said...

I could count the number of mailboxes in my neighborhood on one hand. Almost everyone simply has a mail slot in the front door. I grew up with a traditional black mailbox with a red flag that sat on a wooden post at the end of the driveway, so I didn't know what to make of this whole door slot system at first. But it seems to work just fine, plus the dogs don't even bark at the mailman when he comes to the front door. I kinda miss mailboxes, though.

Kurt said...

Did you get many angry Americans chasing after you for photographing their house?

tut-tut said...

Good and wry eye!

I love Steve Buscemi; nice quote.

Anonymous said...

Too much time on your hands today, Merle????

Anonymous said...

Oh, wait! I forgot to tell you that I tagged you, Merle. Come by my blog to play along -- when you're done photographing mail boxes...

bitchlet said...

I would like more colour, but not like in the last one.

Bobby D. said...

i am so digging all those hip looking cacti

Steve Reed said...

That last one: Tackorama!

I bet the "monument" ones are made that way so no one will bash them with a baseball bat, which is what always happened to my mom's mailbox. She finally removed it entirely and got a PO box.

R.L. Bourges said...

(Or tacorama, if you prefer.)