Sep 7, 2008

We need men who can dream of things that never were.--John F. Kennedy This statue, "Unconditional Surrender", stands in front of the USS Midway permanent exhibition in San Diego Harbor. It is intended to call to mind the famous Life magazine photo of a sailor kissing a young nurse in Times Square, after the news of the unconditional surrender of Japan, ending World War II. It is kind of big to me, but it is interesting. Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky


Squirrel said...

The nurse in the photo was indenitified, and she said she had no idea who the soldier was. Pretty funny. Everyone was celebrating, so they kissed for the photographer, a random couple!

Megan said...

Someday I might write a story based on this picture. You know, like Girl With a Pearl Earring only better.

Kurt said...


Marcia said...

THE MAN IN THE photo was identified about 2 years ago, but his name slips me. THey have the same statue in Sarasota, FL. Right on the harbor there to. The thing is so massive, you feel small standing next to it. Glad you had a good trip, I will be going there this friday!

Anonymous said...

such controversy over one photo---

The photographer claims that Edith Shain was the woman he asked to be in the photo, but a dozen men have claimed to be the guy that she kissed--couples were kissing all over the place and the photographer was taking a lot of pictures, more than one couple--that day.

Glen McDuffie of Tx. claims he kissed his then girlfriend, a Miss Bloomfield, and saw the photographer rush over.

"I ran over there and kissed her and saw a man coming at us," McDuffie recalled. "I thought it was a jealous husband or boyfriend coming to poke me in the eyes! I looked up and saw he was taking a picture" (If it was his girlfriend, why did he think the photographer was a jealous husband ?)

He couldn't recall his girlfriend's exact name, calling her Adith, Adelle, and Ardith. He says Edith Shain is a big old liar who has been riding the gravy train of fame all these years. He says he called Edith Shain on the phone and she got all "smarty pants" with him so he hung up on her.
Carl Mascarello claims he's the sailor in the photo, and the photographer claimed he knew the name of the nurse-- Edith Shain. Most people think it was Carl, but Glen got the interview by Diane Sawyer.

there may have been some drinking of alcoholic bevvies being done that day--it's possible.

Steve Reed said...

I've seen photos of this statue in Sarasota. Tacky, in my opinion.

dennis said...

Dennis thinks a Cat statue would have been better.

dennis said...

Dennis thinks the statue looks like it was made by those Hallmark Cards people.

bitchlet said...

The photo has so much more expression.

Anonymous said...

I'm the person who would be tempted to look up her skirt.

dennis said...

Dennis wants a new post.

Fred said...

Um, you didn't by any chance give Montblanc all those advances on his salary that he wanted, did you? Just wondering.