Merle Sneed enjoys iced tea more than any other beverage, even more than coffee. Out here in Hooterville, all it takes is a jar of water and some tea bags. Set it out in the sun and in a few hours you have excellent sun tea.
One of the downsides to getting pissed off, is that you sometimes cut off your nose to spite your face. Anger often drives us to do something to 'make a point'. Unfortunately, the point we mostly make is that we can be jackasses. I know, I'm an expert on the subject. So is another fellow I met today in the store.
He came in to buy some plumbing parts. In all, he needed ten parts and when I met him in the aisle, he had already gathered eight of them on his own. All he lacked was two tees, a part to connect three different pipes. We only had one in stock and that pissed him off.
I offered to call a nearby store for him to see if they had another tee. I was on hold for awhile and Mr. Cordiality grew tired of waiting and announced that he would just drive over there. And as long as he had to be put out like that, he would just buy all the stuff from them. He dumped his load of parts and hustled away.
A minute or so later, someone from the other store finally answered me and they also only had one of the tees. One from us and one from them and her has what he needs. Except that he left ours with me.
I guess Mr. Cordiality learned that when he got there. Too bad for whoever had to wait on him.
Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky
I wonder what makes people so angry at the Hardware Store, or is it everywhere?
re iced tea, consider mixing lemonade with it --- an "Arnold Palmer" --- best beverage in the world, and a fine substitute for Gatorade as a rehydration sports drink if you also stir in a wee bit of NaCl and KCl, as per Zelectrolyte Formula ... ^z
Bitchlet - it's America. We're supposed to get what we want the minute we think of it, and we get angry when we have to expend any effort or when we don't get what we want right away.
Yeah, people don't know how to not be in a mad rush--you get more done when you take your time because you don't forget a bunch of stuff and get all stressed. But it's cool to say your life is hectic--makes Americans and some Europeans who do this too... look important. "My time is so valuable!" and then they waste it being all ticked off.
Just breathe...
Dennis needs a sun-tea bottle.
Sounds like a nice sun tea there. Hahaha...very funny about the customer. It pays to be patient.
As Homer Simpson would say: D'oh!
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