How do the finches know that I have filled the feeder? My finch feeder got overrun by the vines on the wall, and I forgot it was even there for a couple of months. Last week I uncovered it, cut away the overgrowth and filled the feeder with thistle. Within minutes, it was covered in finches. Do they have tiny thistle radar?
Something else. Maybe this has happened to you. Or maybe not, because you are not a belligerent a-hole, like some people. And by 'some people', I mean me.
Mrs. Sneed and I frequent a bakery cafe down the street on a regular basis. Even though there is a lot of tables, sometimes they are all occupied, like they were this evening. Usually, one opens up sooner rather than later.
As I walked around the joint looking for a place to sit, I noticed a woman sitting alone at a table obviously neither eating nor ordering, which you do a the counter anyway. After a couple of minutes another woman came over and took a seat, freeing the first woman to get up and order. Each held the available table while the other ordered.
My initial reaction was annoyance. Then I was struck by the realization that I would have, in fact have done, the same thing. Many times. So I guess I was pissed because she beat me at my own game. Damn introspection.
Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky
finches are delicious!
i have a couple of great finch recipes if you want them
Musical tables at the local cafe. Oh yeah, I've played that game many times. It really ups the territorial hormonal levels in primate brain, doesn't it?
As for the finches, well, they're pretty sophisticated animals. They dream about singing (just read about their REM functions.)
Maybe they're introspective, too. And no matter what, they're great at finding food sources.
Nice feeder btw. Classy - like you.
I hate finding that I'm the very thing I hate.
I gotta say, I think that cafe-table game is within acceptable social rules! People in NYC certainly do it all the time.
My favorite story about a crowded cafe: A friend of mine and I went into a place where there was one available table in the back corner. We walked toward it, but saw that another couple was going to get there first. So my friend balled up his jacket and THREW IT across the restaurant so that it would land on the table. The other couple turned to us and said, "You're not serious!" My friend said, "Oh yes. I'm very serious."
Now THAT takes nerve! (I wouldn't have one it, but I laugh every time I think of it.)
That's a time-honored tradition in table saving. Being a single patron just puts you at a disadvantage.
So sweet of you, Merle.
I bet they have thistle radar.
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