Dec 30, 2007


I'm not much on New Year's resolutions because, like most people, if I was any good at resolutions I wouldn't need to make them. Plus, I am pretty happy with myself at the moment. I don't spend a lot of time worrying about my shortcomings. It took me a long time to learn not to wish things in my life were different and to appreciate what I have. What I do like to do at the end of the year is to take stock of how it this year went, as years go. All I ever hope for the new year is that it will be a bit better than the last. That is subjective and partially out of my control, but a guy can hope. I have a lot of things to be grateful for in 2007. I'm lucky to have a good family. We genuinely like one another and enjoy spending time together. I am fortunate to have the lovely Mrs. Sneed as my spouse. I am fortunate to have my little sidekicks, Aiden and Noah. This year; I became a bit better at not obsessing over things I cannot control, both personally and as a citizen. I became a bit better at not craving stuff. I became a bit better at not allowing myself to be sucked into other people's drama. I finally made the decision to take my life back and I quit my job at Tedious Systems. I became a bit less obsessive about having enough money. Just a bit though. I think I became a bit more understanding that not everyone sees things the same way as me. I have had the good fortune to become blog friends with some really smart people. Your posts make me laugh, make me think and make me smarter. Thanks. All in all, 2007 wasn't perfect, but it was pretty good. Oh year, I weigh less than I did when the year began. It is mostly because I spent December being sick, but I'm still taking credit. Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky


Kurt said...

I want some grandkids.

Bobby D. said...

what kind of stuff do you crave?

Jams said...

"Oh yea, I weigh less than I did when the year began."
I can't believe you left the best for last like that, and then just casually dropped it in. A woman would never, ever do that. And don't ever mention illness and weight loss in the same sentence. If you lost it, you're entitled to claim it. Illness has nothing to do with it. Congrats!

zhurnaly said...

Wonderful thoughts, Merle! --- we all should look back and count our blessings as you do ...

Best wishes for a (wee bit) happier and healthier New Year! (^_^)