Aug 23, 2007

I see in the news today that Lindsay Lohan has once again wiggled out of her legal woes by basically promising to knock it off. Lindsay has been sentenced to one day in jail, some community service and ordered to enter a treatment facility. Luckily, she had filled her frequent treatment card and was entitled to take advantage of her "tenth stay free". Sweet. Lindsay also bought into a treatment center timeshare. She is entitled to a 30-day stay once per year. She can trade her slot for stays in treatment centers around the world. It is quite a good deal, according to Addicted Travelers Magazine, which featured Ms. Lohan on their February 2007 cover. I will remind readers of my predictions for 2007, number seven, Paris Hilton, Madonna, Lindsay Lohan and Brittney Spears will all do or say something stupid or embarrassing. Ta Da! I went out to play golf with the Seafood King and Some Guy Named Bob this morning. Our fourth, Old Charlie, has crapped out on us. The old buzzard got a job. It was pretty hot, but I decided to pass on the electric golf cart and walk the course, using y swell new push cart. I have to say, it was a hike. No to put too fine a point on it, but I was drenched with sweat by the time we were finished. The high point of the day was when some Guy Named Bob wandered into a group playing on an adjacent hole and picked up what he thought was his errant golf shot. Some Guy Named Bob doesn't keep score or even keep to the rules of golf much. He just likes to hit the ball. If his shot sucks, which it does about half the time, he justs drops another and tries again. Anyway,Some Guy Named Bob was looking for his lost ball, when he picked up the ball of a younger female golfer and set her off. Her tantrum was lost on Some Guy Named Bob because he is fairly oblivious to the goings on around him. As a bystander, it was pretty entertaining, though. Some Guy Named Bob is a wonderful person who gives hundreds of hours to worthy causes each year. The down side is that he is always trying to sign you up for one fund raiser or another. Today it was for a Diabetes Walk in October and for a fund raising event tonight at a local restaurant for the Boys and Girls clubs. Friendship is not always priceless. Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky


Steve Reed said...

Now don't go lumping Madonna in with Britney, Paris and Lindsay. Them's fightin' words. :)

Kurt said...

Wow, you follow Lindsay Lohan so closely!

Reya Mellicker said...

Wouldn't it be easier to be an addict if we were all rich, blond and infamous??

Oy vey.