Dec 13, 2006


A big Mary Poppins fan

This is a bunch of random stuff, unlike my usual posts, which, come to think of it, are a bunch of random stuff. Never mind.

The picture here is Sneedlet sitting in his Thomas the Tank Engine bed, watching a video and evidently expecting rain.

Daughter Sneed had a surgical procedure today, so Sneedlet spent the night with us. He is a delight, but man does he have a lot of energy.

Isn't modern medicine amazing? Who knew that butt-reduction surgery could be done on an out-patient basis? I can just hear Daughter Sneed saying "Hardy-har", right now. Of course, I'm kidding, it was ear-reduction surgery. The big downside to the surgery is that now she has to pay for Directv. The surgery went well, so we are thankful for that.

My day began with a chance meeting with a guy in the parking lot at work. He works for another company in my building as a software developer or something. He used to work as a contractor for my company, so I know him some. He was telling me that he is flying to California tomorrow to interview for a new job, an executive job, that pays over $600,000 thousand per year. How do you respond to that? He makes maybe $50,000 now, working for the same company.

That story is just slightly more likely than his being able to flap his arms and fly to California under his own power. I'm not sure why people say things that are ludicrous on their face. Maybe they actually believe them, who knows?

I gave him the old ya-ya, assured him that I was available to be a cabin boy on the good ship Lollipop, should it come in and hustled off before I said something stupid.

We had a bake sale at work today to help the coworker I posted about yesterday. In addition, we circulated two envelopes for donations. The idea was two envelopes would travel faster than one. Someone stole one of them. Nice. Man, I wish I believed in Karma.

Also, the boss threw a little holiday luncheon today for all the troops. You know how I feel about these free lunches, so I went to Subway. Free lunches rank right up there with UFOs and Bigfoot. Ain't no such thing.

There wasn't enough food for all of us anyway and the boneheads in the office were lined up like he was handing out rations to the starving. The way these things work at our place is that the first people in line get the good stuff and it gets progressively more meager as the line progresses. By the end, some poor schmuck is scraping the bottom of the pan in hopes of finding edible chunks. Plus, the boss was regaling everyone with his wit and wisdom and who needs that?

Anyway, I off to bowling and if anything develops you will be among the first to know.


Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgemental and cranky



Anonymous said...

Hi Merle,
I came accross the following and thought you might be interested in reading this for future reference. I found it on the website

Man Sues Dell And Wins... By Serving Court Papers To The Mall Kiosk
A NJ man successfully sued DELL in small claims court using a unique approach. He had the court papers delivered to a DELL kiosk in the local mall.

When DELL failed to show in court, Pat Dori, of Hackensack won $3000 by default. A ruling allowed court employees to close the kiosk and confiscate equipment if the judgment was not paid.

Dell settled out-of-court with Mr. Dori under an undisclosed arrangement.

The victory came after five-months and 19 phone calls to Dell after Dori's laptop fan broke. When he turned it in for repairs, Dell lost his laptop and returned just his hard drive. To compensate, Dell offered a refrubed laptop without an extended warranty.

"My big issue was, they never wanted to talk to me, never wanted to hear me,'' said Dori. "The little guy found a way to hit them in the head with a rock. You get their money, you get their attention. God only knows how much their legal team cost them.''


Merle Sneed said...

Rosie, I think in my state you have to serve the Secretary of State who acts as the agent if the company has no business office in the state. This is a very creative fellow and he must have been thrilled to get back at the Dell people. My wife has a Dell desktop and it is a peice of crappola.

Best wishes, Merle