Some people have suggested that I wasn't really equipped to be mine inspector, even if I had garnered the five hundred seventy some thousand votes I came up short. Well that is just bunk and I have the pictures to prove it.
My detractors suggest that I think mine inspection is just riding around in a Hummer, with a bloodhound and a giant magnifying glass. Well, it is a little tougher than that, but I was prepared to do the hard wok needed to be the best darn mine inspector ever. Enough about that. It is all ore down the shaft now.
My boss sent me a voice mail today chastising me for having left the tool box on my truck unlocked. Some midnight inspection team swooped in and uncovered my carelessness. He said that this was a company code of conduct violation and it ought never to happen again. I hope this doesn't go on my permanent record. Oh, by the way, the bin was empty. Idiots.
If you have the chance check out
The Skeptics Guide to the Universe podcast. It is really interesting and entertaining and is a production of the New England Skeptical Society.
In the show I was listening to today, they discussed human memory. It seems a lot of what we remember is just stuff that our brains plug in to fill out our mental pictures. Plus some of what we remember may never have happened. This has big potential if I can convience some people that their memory is tricking them.
Oh, before I completely forget, I got a call from Bill Clinton,
the Bill Clinton. Bill (we're close) called to ask for my support in electing Democrats to office this past election. I gave him my thoughts on some of the issues of the day, but I have to say that he completely talked over me and I don't think he was listening at all. We parted without him gaining the Sneed endorsement for his folks.
It could be the old memory acting up though.
So that it. I got nothing.
Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgemental and cranky
Daily Life
Personal Finance
1 comment:
I would listen to podcasts if I had a podcast playing machine and knew where to find podcasts.
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