Nov 6, 2006

Still Nothing

So, I'm sitting at my desk today working away and I get this phone call. The caller was an electrical engineer, who was working on a new building for a large national company, a company that would be familiar to most people. This guy asks me if I am working on their new building, a project that is just breaking ground here in our fair city. It seems he was referred to me by one of my coworkers. Well, I'm not working on this project, in fact I've never heard of it. He seemed disappointed. I told him that I would do some checking and call him back. Then I hung up. Before I could even get out of my chair, the guy calls back, literally 30 seconds later. He says that he forgot to give me the address of the building site, as if I am going to say, "Oh, that XYZ building, sure I forgot about that one, I thought you meant a different one." Instead I tell him that I don't know anything about it, but I will make some inquiries. This guy says, and I am not making this up, I cannot accept that answer. He can't accept that I've never heard of his customer's project? I'm wondering if he would feel better about a lie? Perhaps an admission that I forgot would do the trick. Maybe I can unpack the time machine that I have hidden under my desk and go back to the point in time where I could be properly notified. I've heard of nuts who believe in past life regression, but this fellow seems to subcribe to "pissed life regression". I run into guys like this from time-to-time. I suspect he was in a dither because he had forgotten something important and was looking for a place to dump the blame. The lovely Mrs. Sneed thought that he was trying out a technique that he learned at one of those half-day assertive communications seminars they hold at Holiday Inn. Maybe so. I eventually found the right party, the one who had the situation in hand and sent this yahoo packing. I hate it when I run into some want-to-be bully and blowhard. Merle Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgemental and cranky Tag:

1 comment:

Kurt said...

I agree with Mrs. Sneed. I once got a speech from a fellow employee about how I did not appreciate all she was doing. I thought "Well, if you did something around here, I could appreciate it," but I held my tongue. Later I discovered she had given the same speech to several other people. I blame an assertiveness seminar.