Nov 7, 2006
Use with adult supervision only--The Shopping Cart Safety Board
In keeping with the MerleSneed blog code of ethics, we wish to make the following correction about an item that appeared on this blog on Sunday, November 5, 2006.
The lovely Mrs. Sneed of Our Fair City, Arizona, has taken umbrage at our attribution of the Sonoran Plowdown to her. She would like it to be known that she is not the originator of the technique commonly known as the Sonoran Plowdown. Further she says that she was first a victim of this device at the hands of a thoughtless shopper who may have been Sonoran, but she does not condone it's use by shoppers, regardless of their country of nation origin.
Lastly, the lovely Mrs. Sneed would like all to know that she fully supports diversity, openness and equal opportunity in all commercial enterprises, schools, workplaces and governmental entities, and as such finds the phase Sonoran Plowdown to be a thoughtless slight and unacceptable slur on the fine citizens to our south. She also believes that mean people suck, that the Earth is our mother and some other stuff that I may have forgotten, but was clearly sensitive and caring.
On behalf of the management of the MerleSneed blog and it's editorial and creative staffs, we would like to offer a sincere apologize to the lovely Mrs. Sneed and the fine citizens of Sonora for any offense they may have taken because of this unacceptable sloppiness in reporting.
Because the MerleSneed blog code of ethics holds to the highest standards and dictates that the buck stops at the top, a letter of stern reprimand has been placed in the permanent record of Mr. Merle Sneed, Managing Editor and he will forfeit a week of his vacation accrual.
Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong, sometimes just full of it, but always judgmental and cranky
Tag: Daily Life
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