Oct 9, 2006

Never Mind

How did I miss that? Today was an odd sort of day. I went to the cafe / bakery that I go to almost every morning on my way to work. I got my maple scone and started out, when the owner stopped me and said, "You know, I really appreciate your loyalty to my business. Thank you." I didn't know what to say. Later, as I sat in my cubicle, my boss and his boss came in and asked to speak to me in one of the conference rooms. They shared with me that they appreciated my diligence and that they wanted me to know that I was making a difference in the success of the company. They added that a letter of commendation was going in my permanent record. I was embarrassed by their lavish praise. Then the phone calls began. Friends that I had forgotten, called regaling me with the ways that I had touched their lives. Readers to my little blog commented on the difference that my musing had made to them. At the Subway at lunch, the employees made me pose for snapshots and I was treated to the Meal Deal. Mario, the manager, thanked me for recommending his store to others. Later in the afternoon, I was driving to look at something for work and I came upon a line of cars. An older woman pulled along side of me and signaled to me that she wanted to get into the line. I slowed and let her in. A block later a policeman pulled me over, and although I expected the worst, he gave me a card thanking me for being a model driver and good citizen. While I was out in my company truck, some coworkers got together and washed my personal truck, just to say thanks for helping them out from time to time. I was touched. Then just as I was ready to leave for the day, my phone rang. I snatched it up and a woman who identified herself as Blanche, from the Bureau of Recognition, asked if she was speaking to Mr. Merle Sneed. I replied that she was. She told me that a mistake had been made. It was supposed to be Beryl Sneed Day and that a trainee had made a typo in the announcement. She said she was sorry for the misunderstanding. On the way home the cops stopped me again and asked for the card back. Bummer. Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong and sometimes just full of it. Tag:


Kurt said...

You're the greatest, Beryl.

Squirrel said...

I can't believe kurt was here way back in 2006!
Damn Him!

I see frugalrosie2 abandoned you even after you supposedly brightened her day

for sure