Movie Snacks, yum!!
I picked up both of the Sneedlets, 1 and 2, from their repesective homes this morning and we went to the movies to see Open Season, an animated feature. It was fun and they were well-behaved and interested in the movie.
Only 50% of the Sneedlets is on board with the Say Cheese! concept.

After the movie, they played in the mall playground. Sneedlet 1 insists that it is a playgound, Sneedlet 2 says it is just the mall. The dispute went unresolved, but didn't interfere with their play.
They had lunch at the food court in the mall, although neither ate much, because McD's puts toys in their Happy Meals, which totally distracted the Sneedlets.
The only mishap of the day was when Grandpa lost Sneedlet 2's Disney sunglasses in the movie and the kid at the theater wouldn't go look for them.
This is why the lovely Mrs. Sneed popped for the Honda Pilot.

Finally, it was time to hit the road, because we were all tired, especially Grandpa.
Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong and sometimes just full of it.
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