Sep 23, 2006

Oops, I missed Friday's Post

It is very early Saturday morning and the lovely Mrs. Sneed and I just got home from our night out. I am way too tired to say anything important, like moaning about the latest, so I have a tip that has brought some enjoyment to me. If you haven't ever heard the podcast called Croncast, by Kris and Betsy Smith, you owe it to yourself to take a listen. Either go to Itunes or to subscribe. Kris and Betsy live in Naperville, Illinois, along with two kids and Betsy's mother, whom you never hear much about. They have a pretty ordinary life, that they share via their podcast. It is just a conversation between husband and wife and it is charming, funny and addictive. Betsy is extroverted and hilarious, while Kris is a good-hearted, socially retarded. tech guy, who lives primarily in the basement of the house, hunched over his computer. The podcast is Kris' feeble attempt to connect with other humans. In their own way, podcasting and blogging help those of us who are of a more solitary nature stay in touch with the world around us. On their show Betsy talks a lot about her Ebay sales. She collects stuff from garage sales and especially the Goodwill store to resell on Ebay. Besty swears there is serious loot to be had at the Goodwill. I took the opportunity today (actually yesterday now) to visit the Goodwill store near Casa Sneed, Betsy is always finding valuable stuff to resell at Goodwill so I thought I would see what the deal was. I found a load of crap I wouldn't touch with latex gloves on. I did notice that Goodwill has a ton of brand new golf shirts, the kind given out at corporate and charity golf events. Few serious people really want to wear a golf shirt with a corporate logo and a bunch of other stuff embroidered on it once the event is over, so it winds up at Goodwill. Allow me to interject another of my crackpot ideas. As a rule, I don't believe in wearing closthing that advertises for someone esle. I don't get why people will wear a shirt promoting a business, even if they get it for free. I really don't get why people will pay for clothing that contains advertising. Rest assured that if you see a guy around town wearing a charity event golf shirt, he is either desperate to make you think he is an important charity-supporting, civic-minded, golf-playing, business-networking, high-rolling, moving and shaking, assistant manager at the gas company, sort of fellow or a Goodwill shopper. One or the other. So, if you are in the market for a new golf shirt that says Raytheon Golf Shootout 2004, Goodwill is the place for you. Anyway, that is it for today. Merle Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong and sometimes just full of it. Tag:

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