Today is Sneedlet Two's birthday, he is three. His family is visiting relatives in San Diego, so we didn't see him. Sneedlet One, seen here, is going to be 3 in a month. Sneedlet One is daughter Sneed's child and Sneedlet Two is older son Sneed's boy. One doesn't outrank Two, it is just a way to differentiate between them.

This is the Sneedlet "helping" his grandfather clean the backyard. Sadie the Wonder Beagle ate all of the lovely Mrs. Sneed's drip irrigation tubing and I was fixing that, as well as general cleaning. Sneedlet mostly helped by getting in front of the hose as I tried to wash down the patio. I had no choice but to drench him.

Daughter Sneed had my painters at her house today, so I went to get Sneedlet early for his regular Saturday stay at grandma's.
After I picked him up, we went to Home Depot for some supplies, "stuff" as he calls it. This Home Depot is next to a movie theater, so he got the idea that we were going to the movies. He refused to be disuaded by me telling him we weren't. It turns out that I was wrong about the movie.
After we cleaned the yard, he and I went to the movies to see Barnyard. It was very good and kept him entertained except when he dozed off of a few minutes. He had "movie snacks", which is a kid's pack, containing popcorn, animal crackers and a Coke.
We stopped at the mall playground after the movie. This is the last shopping day before school starts in our fair city. Not to exaggerate or anything, but there were about a million people at the mall. Half of them had their kids in the playground, so it was shoulder to shoulder. Sneedlet didn't seem to mind.
Sneedlet just came in here with a handful of change that he took off his grandma's table. He is trying to convince me that his mom gave it to him for his "Happy Birthday". I think the kid is a con man.
Grandma has taught Sneedlet to shout "paid for" in response to the question, "what is Grandma's car?" He doesn't even know you have to pay for cars, but it is pretty funny to hear him say it. Plus it is never to early to learn to live within your means.
Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong and sometimes just full of it.
Daily Life
Personal Finance
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