Jul 20, 2006

On Vacation Without Leaving Home

(click on image to enlarge) This is a picture taken at the trailhead of a hiking trail in my area. Notice the large saguaro in the foreground. Some act of nature broke it halfway up the trunk and it has recovered and is now orienting upward once more. The saga continues. In the old days when the lovey Mrs. Sneed and I had a houseful of Sneedlets, we often vacationed in San Diego because it was only a day's drive from home and they have cool days and an ocean there. We usually packed our own meals and ate in the park. This is still a source of hilarity at Sneed family gatherings. Our motel of choice was a homey $12-a-night affair called the Anchor Motel. When they converted the Anchor to a "no-tell" sort of joint, we began to patronize a place I call the Sleazy 8. I believe the Sleazy 8 corporate motto was, "Sleazy Eight, Its Best Not To Remove Your Socks". This morning I feel like I am back at the Sleazy 8. The painters have us cornered in the master bedroom, every other room is shrouded in plastic. I dragged the coffee pot in here and it is set up in the bathroom. The lovely Mrs. Sneed has a bunch of bananas to fend off starvation. I am sitting in a chair with my feet propped up on the end of the bed as I type this. I expect a knock at the door and a cry of "housekeeping" at any minute. The painters better show up today or I am going to hunt them down and hurt them. Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong and sometimes just full of it. Tag:

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