Oct 2, 2006
Rationalizing Stoogery
Where do I put my head?
Well, my indignant email to the University of Arizona regarding the hat incident, solicited a response, or rather a bunch of blather. The writer, an assistant athletic director, suggests that ballcaps have been known to have secret compartments for the smuggling of liquor. Balderdash! This is the actual text.
Our security staff asked patrons to remove their caps as that is the new way to bring alcohol into stadiums. Some wide brim hats or even ball caps have a sewn in pocket at the top and patrons have been porting alcohol in this hat compartment. Sorry you were offended by the request. It was made in an effort to avoid other problems where fans and alcohol don't always mix well. Please contact me if you have questions or concerns.
Please contact me if you have questions or concerns? I thought that is what I did. I sent a snappy reply suggesting shoes are an excellent place to hide liquor. Hollow out the heel and presto, you have a foot flask. I also pointed out that a bunch of drunk fans stagger over from the official University of Arizona tailgate area, where the university collects a minimum of $330 for a tailgate permit. I'll bet that if I offered them $330 I could get a permit that allows me to enter unaccousted.
The real problem the University has with the demon rum is that they are prohibited by state law from selling it in the stadium. I will guarantee you that should the law change, the crowd-control problems cited as a reason to search the fans, would vanish in a heartbeat.
Universities have several goals for their athletic programs. One of the chief goals is to get as much money from the fans and the boosters as possible. They are absolutely unscrupulous in their pursuit of a buck. They allow credit card companies to ensnare the students in exchange for a handsome payment, they sell sponsorship to silly things like the opening kickoff or the band's halftime show. At Saturday's game they allow a payday loan outfit to hand out handfans with their advertising on it. The athletic departments, this one included, will do almost anything for a dollar.
On a happier note, my eBay shoes arrived today. They are a little more used than I had hoped, but still a swell deal for $33. They retailed for $320 when new.
I'm off to bowling.
Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong and sometimes just full of it.
Tag: Daily Life
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1 comment:
I'd like to see that hat compartment that holds liquor.
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