For some reason I can't get this tune out of my head.
Every time it rains it rains, pennies from heaven.
Don't you know each cloud contains, pennies from heaven.
Its strange.
I received an email today in my Hotmail account, provided free by the great gang at MSN, from the fine folks at Google,
where Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful©, about my
Google AdSense™ account.
In case you are unaware, Google offers bloggers the opportunity to place ads on their blog, in exchange for cash. Should anyone click on the excellent
Google AdSense™ ad on the site, Google will send the blogger, in this case me, mad cash, as the youngsters might say.
The Terms and Conditions of Service of the
Google AdSense™ program preclude me from pointing out the exact location of their ad on my page, but the intepid reader may spot it. More on that later. To get back to the point, the email was to inform me that
Google AdSense™ was withholding payment to me because I had not provided my tax information to them. After that Chinese snafu, the last thing Google wants is more trouble with national governments, including Uncle Sam.
Well, I broke all cyberspacic records zooming to my
Google AdSense™ account site, to find out how damn much money of mine they were holding. If Larry and Sergey think Merle Sneed is financing that darn plane of theirs with his hard-earned blogging dough, they have another think coming.
I momentarily had the fleeting thought that it might be enough to pay off Casa Sneed, leaving me to live my dream of full-time curmogeonery. But then reality slapped me and slapped me hard. Since I've only had 1200 or so visitors in my long blogging career, it could, at most, only be a few hundred bucks. Not enough to rid myself of Casa Sneed's Chase Mortgage a wholly-owned subsidiary of
JP Morgan Chase, Delivering Results®, 15-year, fixed-rate mortgage, but still enough to get a swell gadget of some sort.
In what seemed like hours, but could only have been a nanosecond, thanks to the fine folks at Cox Communications,
Your Friend in the Digital Age®, my account page loaded, on my swell new Compaq, a part of the
HP Invent®, family of companies, Presaio V6000, provided by the wonderful guys and gals at Circut City,
Just What I Need®, with stores throughout the nation, under the terms of their excellent extended warranty program. I don't like to boast, but Google is holding a $1.21 for old Merle. International readers can get the scope of this deal by using the currency converter
Of course, that $1.21 is just for the past three months. When added to my previous total, it comes to a cool $1.21. To make matters worse, Google won't give me my hard-typed buck twenty-one, until my total reaches a hundred dollars. Let's see. If I earned $1.21 in 3 months, that's about 5 bucks per year, so when I am 76 I get my money. One hundred smacharoos when I am 76, assuming that I am not quite dead by then.
Note to self, update your will.
Now the terms of service for
Google AdSense™ strictly prohibit encouraging others to click on the ads just so a guy like old Merle might receive the 100 smackers by say age 70, so don't do that, it would be wrong, very, very wrong.
So to show that I am in full compliance with the
Google AdSense™ terms and Conditions of Service, both in fact and in spirit, I quote from that excellent document,
You shall not promote or facilitate a Referral Event by any means other than displaying a Referral Button on the Site, unless expressly authorized in writing by Google (including by electronic mail).
So let's make sure we are in strict compliance here. My family has a history of longevity, except for my mother and brother, who both died young, plus several of my mother's sisters and then there was...anyway, I will likely make 76, so the hundred will be welcome then.
In other matters, I am taking off work today and meeting my friend Lonnie for lunch. But first, I have to go out and see where the flood in the backyard is coming from. Sadie the Wonder Beagle has ripped up the drip irrigation again.
Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong and sometimes just full of it.
Daily Life
Personal Finance
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