Aug 18, 2006

Day Off

I was listening to the Dave Ramsey show from yesterday on my IPOD and Dave took a call from a woman who's brother won $9 million in a lottery, paid over twenty years. He has three payments to go and is broke and homeless, begging money from his family until the next check comes in. Dave pointed out that 65% of lottery winners are broke within ten years. Interesting. Many people think that winning a bunch of money will cure what ails them. That is not true. Money makes you more of what you already are. If you are a spendthrift and wasteful, sudden wealth opens new opportunities for stupidity. If you are prudent it is a blessing. Well, I am off work today and it is fantasic. My cell phone serves both work and personal needs so even on my day off I get several work calls that I have to take care of. Even so it is better than being there. I went over to Daughter Sneed's this morning to monkey with her new television set. She bought a very nice LCD flat panel, but the picture is bad. After we exhausted both my ideas and all the vulgarities I could muster, we broke down and called the Comcast cable folks. They are coming on Monday to have a look. Daughter Sneed is trying to get ready for the painters to do the inside of her house tomorrow. I picked up my pal Sneedlet to get him out of her hair and he and I met my friends for lunch today. My two friends are both retired and basically taking life easy. This is very appealing. I read that one year after retiring 75% of people say they are glad to be retired. After 10 years it is 49%. Something to think about. Sneedlet was such a well-behaved boy at lunch. Our server kept bringing him Marischino cherries, which he loved. Sneedlet and I stopped at a hardware store to get a speciality light bulb to replace one that I broke while dusting the ceiling fan. As we were getting out of the car there was a comotion in the parking lot. An 80ish woman had fallen and was sprawled on the pavement. Let me tell you, the pavement in the summer in Arizona is not where you want to lay down unless you enjoyed being burned. A good samaritan rushed to her aid and got her into the store. She said she felt faint and passed out. The folks in the store got her some cold water and by the time we checked out she was okay and waiting for her family to come get her. Now we are just hanging out waiting for the lovely Mrs. Sneed to get get home from work. Then we will grab a quick bite and drive the Sneedlet home. Merle. Things in this blog represented to be fact, may or may not actually be true. The writer is frequently wrong and sometimes just full of it. Tag:

1 comment:

Kurt said...

I've always said "it's easy to be generous when you have money."